Friday 22 February 2008

Facebook Apps

Facebook is a massive social networking site. However, unlike previous networks, where you are simply provided with a web page to edit, with some basic online apps for photos and friends, Facebook is more focused in communication. One big advantage of using Facebook is the thousands of small applications which can be installed into your profile. Despite only having been on Facebook for a month or two, I already have some favourites:

10: FlogBlog
This is a really small application, which only has one function: to display your online blog on your profile. This may sound really basic, but only having a hyperlink to your blog, or copying and pasting it into your profile is a real hassle. It’s not what I would call a “fun” application, but it’s very useful.
9: Wrestler
This app is much like many others: battle someone you know, using either chance or a rock-paper-scissors style decision maker, this using the latter. It’s not bad, but it is excessively slow if the opponent isn’t online.
8: HomeWorld
Similar to the RTS equivalent, its very similar to petrol heads, but you can battle anyone on facebook
7: TheWall
Included with every profile, the wall is a small area on your profile for friends to post small messages and images. It’s actually quite useful; whether it be that your friend isn’t signed into an instant messenger, you don’t have their address, or they could be in a different time zone. This small area to keep in contact is really nice, and a great way to communicate against E-mail.
6: Groups
Another in-built application, it does exactly what it says on the tin: it allows you to join online groups in Facebook. Currently I am a member of “Games concepts is clearly the best course at UCLan” , “I turn my pillow over to get to the cold side” and “drunk text appreciation society”.
5: Top Friends
Facebook’s built in friends app simply lets you add friends, to see your profile. The Top Friends allows you to send gifts and drinks, rate your friends, and organise them in order; from your best friends, to your close social circles, to people your friends brother’s mate knows, to the people who you dint want to add as friends, but kind of had to.
4: How british are you?
Annother “does exactly what it says on the tin” application, but now you can show off your britishness on you profile.
3: Texas Hold’em poker
This app does exactly what it says on the tin, but thankfully, no money is involed. Just for fun
2: Super Poke
Built into Facebook is an option to “poke” someone, but this gets very old, very fast. Super poke fills that void. Basically it allows you to perform pretend actions toward friends. Tazing, detaining at the airport, giving cookies, waving at among some of the hundreds of different pokes you can send to your friends. This app is just for laughs, with new options constantly becoming available by super poking x number of people. I would strongly recommend it.
1: PetrolHeads
This small but adictive game involves racing your friends, the better you get, the more cars you can chose, and the more probability you have of winning a race. It doesn’t sound like much but its one of the most satisfying feelings,beating a sports car with a cinclair C5.

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